
Actor Tay Ping Hui said that a male fan attempted to see him recently and is probably the same one who, in 2016, wrote a suicide note that had bloodstains on it. The male fan, pretending to be a graduate from the same school as the actor, reached out to Tay’s friends and tried to get a basketball game going.

“Basically he wanted to know when we would play and then appear at the same place,” Tay, 51, told Shin Min Daily News in an article published on May 10 (Tuesday). The actor, who is known to be direct and outspoken, made a direct appeal to the fan, calling his actions a “waste of time.”

“There are many other things in this world to pay attention to and care about, please don’t waste time on people of no significance. If you can, pay more attention to those around you, especially your parents. I’ll give you my blessing,” he said, adding that he is “just an actor” and there is “no point” in going to such lengths to see him.

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Interestingly, Tay also said that he has met this man and has told him to stop obsessing over him.

The man’s actions made him feel “very helpless,” he added.

“I hope fans don’t waste time doing such meaningless things.”

Should the man’s actions escalate, the actor said he’ll call the police, just like he did six years ago over the bloody suicide note incident.

At that time, a man named Luo sent a letter, written in Mandarin, to Lianhe Zaobao.

What made the incident both creepy and alarming is that the suicide note had bloodstains.

In the note, the fan wrote, “I miss you every night, I can’t sleep or eat because of you, this feeling is like loving someone to the point of infatuation.

If only I have a confidante by my side. How nice it would be to have someone support me mentally and care for me. Unfortunately, that’s not meant to be. I don’t have the good fortune to be your friend.

This blood that runs through my veins isn’t worth anything. I’m willing to leave this world in anticipation of a better world ahead. I am grieving but I hope that you will see me often in your dreams,” Luo wrote.

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The fan harassed Tay for more than a year before the actor filed a police report.

This year, another email was sent to Shin Min Daily News, saying that Tay would “face harassment” again this year.

The actor told Shin Min that it could be the work of the same person who wrote the bloody suicide note. /TISG

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