Indeed, Leong Mun Wai may have met his match in Indranee Rajah

Singaporeans must now be quite familiar with Progress Singapore Party’s Leong Mun Wai’s ability to get on the nerves of People’s Action Party leaders in Parliament. He has had a number of entanglements with them since he became an NCMP in 2020. With all due respect to our august Parliament, I find his “debates” with the PAP entertaining. Don’t you? What will we do without him?
A hot mic caught Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan calling him “illiterate” in a debate on jobs and CECA in September last year. In a video of the sitting, which was livestreamed on the YouTube channel of the Ministry of Communications and Information, a voice could be heard saying “he’s illiterate”, after Manpower Minister Tan See Leng replied to a question from Leong. A few minutes later, another voice (unclear whether same one) said: “…seriously, how did he get into RI? Must have been a lousy school”. Balakrishnan apologised, saying they were private remarks.
OPINION | You can’t force people to have kids; people don’t make babies when they’re constantly stressed from paying for the world’s most expensive properties

One of my colleagues and I like to describe ourselves as being in the “past the sell-by date,” club. For me, it’s simple. Most of my working life was freelance, and I only got “properly employed” at 40 in a standard office job. Given that I switched modes “late in life,” it was clear that there was only going to be so much I could achieve in the context of corporate Singapore and as long as I can pay bills, I take what I can get.
My colleague is in a different situation. He has worked for a multinational in a “sexy” department (finance) and the proof of his competence is found in the fact that he was sent around the region by his former employer as a “troubleshooter”. There is, however, one fatal flaw to his CV, which cancels out whatever knowledge and experience he may bring to the table – he’s over 60.
Man hides S$14,000 cash in his old shirt pocket, but wife throws it away at Marsiling void deck during housecleaning

A 57-year-old man who hid his cash in an old shirt pocket regretted his decision after his wife threw the shirt out while cleaning.
Mr Zhuo revealed that his wife was cleaning their flat at Block 116 Marsiling Rise on Sept 30 when she included his old shirt containing 14 one-thousand-dollar notes.
The dangers of working from home and how to overcome them
Remote jobs are all the rage after the pandemic hit. It is no longer seen as unusual, and it is pretty much an accepted way of working, despite many offices requiring their staff to come back to the office in the last year or so.
As employees enjoy the freedom of working from home, they also realise how much cheaper and more productive it can be for both sides; the employers and the employee.
Asian celebrities who don’t age… what’s their secret?
Staying youthful may be easy if you keep fit and eat healthily, but what exactly is the secret of these stars in keeping their mysterious youthful appearance?
Here are some Asian celebrities, like vampires, who continue to look ageless despite the years that have gone by…