58-year-old dies after being struck by traffic police motorbike while crossing the road

SINGAPORE: A 58-year-old pedestrian tragically lost his life after he collided with a traffic policeman riding a motorcycle while crossing the road, yesterday (21 June).
The Singapore Police Force confirmed that they received a call for assistance at approximately 5:30pm yesterday and said that the accident took place in Hougang.
PSP members pose for selfie with PAP team at Nee Soon ‘followed by a quick chit-chat kopi session’

SINGAPORE: When a Progress Singapore Party (PSP) (PAP) team on the ground at Nee Soon encountered a group from the People’s Action Party, they ended up taking photos and even having a friendly kopi session together.
Mr Taufik Supan, who is part of PSP’s Central Executive Committee, wrote on Facebook that his team made “significant progress in our groundworks in Nee Soon” despite the downpour on Sunday morning (June 18).
Man in his 40s asks if it’s better to retire in SG or in Malaysia, Taiwan or Thailand

SINGAPORE: A Reddit user wanted to get others’ opinions on whether it’s better to retire in Singapore or in nearby countries, adding that he is now in his 40s and is starting to think about retirement in the next 10 years or so, after his children go off to university.
u/IvanThePohBear wrote on r/askSingapore on Wednesday (June 21) that he and his wife are comfortably off with good salaries. And by the time they’ll retire, the two properties they have should be paid off and will generate the income they can live on.
Worker dies after being electrocuted by wet wire while installing solar panels
SINGAPORE: The Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSHC) has revealed that a worker was accidentally electrocuted while installing solar panels on the roof at a worksite and was pronounced dead on the same day after being sent to hospital.
WSHC said that the incident took place last Monday (12 June). A group of workers were dispatched to install solar panels on the roof of a building when, during the installation process, one of the workers found that a wire was glowing and smoke was arising from the wire.
Poly student asks if a degree is ‘really necessary to survive in Singapore’

SINGAPORE: Can a person have a decent life in Singapore without getting a degree? A second-year student at a polytechnic who originally planned on going to university and becoming a teacher one day is finding herself evaluating her current choices and her possible future.
u/chamomileicedtea wrote on r/askSingapore on Wednesday (June 21) that when she began poly, she had planned on going to NTU NIE (Nanyang Technological University National Institute of Education).