A Reddit thread delighted many on Friday (Dec 2), after a netizen wrote, “Just hit me that life is like buying Min Jiang Kueh. Sometimes you get the bigger piece, sometimes smaller.’

Almost everybody loves the famous fluffy peanut pancake, so the analogy was easy to relate with. The visual of a large Min Jiang Kueh being cut into pieces posted by Reddit user jethron5000 was also helpful in getting the point across.

A number of Redditors said that the post is similar to a famous quote from Forrest Gump.

“Forest Gump SG version,” one wrote.

For some, when it comes to the delicious pancake, size really does appear to matter.

But for others, it’s not size but “It is the filling that matters.”

Several Reddit users said they love the pancake’s “crunchy/crispy sides.”

The post’s analogy spawned another on the thread. “Life is also like kfc. Sometimes you get thigh, sometimes you get breast,” a Redditor wrote.

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