Pop singer Selena Gomez celebrated the Biden/Harris win recently with the same amount of happiness felt by Americans across the country. The singer sang and danced to Miley Cyrus’ Party in the USA in a video on her Instagram story as she rode with a friend in the back of a car. “There’s a party in the USA,” she says into the camera, laughing and smiling.

On the other hand, Miley Cyrus also celebrated with her own song yesterday by posting this video of Biden playing “Party in the USA” on his phone at a podium:


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NOW it’s a PARTY IN THE USA! ??? @joebiden @kamalaharris

A post shared by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Nov 7, 2020 at 9:39am PST

“NOW it’s a PARTY IN THE USA! ??? @joebiden @kamalaharris,” Cyrus wrote.

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It was reported that Gomez was in New York City yesterday during the celebration. An Instagram user uploaded footage of people marching in the streets, and you can overhear Gomez saying “No one is illegal!” in the background.

Prior to the election, the singer has been working hard to get out the vote, urging other Latina voters to go to the polls and use their voices. Gomez went on a live stream conversation with Georgia’s Stacey Abrams hosted by She Se Puede on October 23.

“You’re amazing, and I’m a huge fan,” Abrams said to Gomez. “I also have much more street cred with my 14-year-old niece because I know you. It means a lot, because I have very little street cred with her.”

Abrams, who has become a hero of the 2020 election, spoke to Gomez about why Latina, Black, and other women of colour are essential to America’s future.

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“When I ran for office the first time, it was because I wanted to speak on behalf of communities that wanted to be included,” she said. “And what I learned was that my job wasn’t to speak for them; my job was to create a platform and a space for them to speak for themselves….No matter who you are when you stand for office, you’re not standing for yourself…you are creating a space so that someone that looks like you, someone that had your experience suddenly has a belief that they can do it.”