SINGAPORE: Southeast Asia’s largest hydroponic glass greenhouse has opened in Singapore and is set to revolutionize how we grow and consume fresh vegetables. The Green Harvest greenhouse, spanning an impressive 150,000 square feet, is the result of a collaboration between Kok Fah Technology Farm and Teambuild Group.

Green Harvest is poised to make an enduring impact on local agriculture with its state-of-the-art facilities and fully automated technology. Notably, the greenhouse employs innovative methods to maximize crop growth and minimize resource consumption.

One of the most striking advancements is the utilization of ultraviolet light irradiation, enabling vegetables to undergo photosynthesis at night. This technique shortens the planting-to-harvest time to a mere 28 days, a significant reduction compared to traditional farming methods.

A spokesperson for Green Harvest commented on the impact of this technology, pointing out that it has resulted in a remarkable decrease in required manpower. Traditionally, a farm of this size would demand approximately 80 employees, but thanks to automation, the workforce has been reduced to only 20 to 25 individuals.

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Moreover, Green Harvest has put sustainability at the forefront of its operations. Implementing a closed-loop system that recycles water can reduce water consumption by a staggering 95%. Additionally, the greenhouse’s vertical farming approach allows for efficient land use, occupying three to five times less space than traditional farms.

The crops cultivated at Green Harvest encompass various vegetables, including local favourites such as milkweed and bak choy and some commonly used in Western cuisine. These fresh, high-quality vegetables will cater to local households, hotels, and restaurants in the region, enhancing the availability of locally-grown produce.

Furthermore, Green Harvest plays a significant role in the nation’s efforts to provide for the population’s nutritional needs. The ambitious goal of achieving 30% of the nutritional requirements for the people by 2030 is now within reach, thanks to the greenhouse’s advanced techniques and increased output.