With the 2020 General Elections looming closer and with Phase Two of the Circuit Breaker around the corner, ruling party PAP has begun showcasing their likely candidates. However, upon seeing this, People’s Voice’s Shadow Cabinet Minister of Health Kok Ming Cheang took to Facebook to express his unease over the list of candidates chosen.

Photo: FB screenshot, Kok Ming Cheong
Photo: FB screenshot, Kok Ming Cheong
Photo: FB screenshot, Kok Ming Cheong

He recalls how back when Minister of State Chee Hong Tat was first revealed in the media, he possessed a warm disposition that had disappeared over the years. The same happened to the rest of the ministers throughout their term in office.

He went on to highlight how election after election, PAP introduces well-groomed candidates from senior positions in the SAF or the public sector, moulding them into the political leaders we see today, and the Singaporean political landscape is that much worse for it.

Poignantly ending off by asserting his stance that the government requires more people-oriented leaders, Mr Kok’s insights were shared by People’s Voice’s Founder, Mr Lim Tean, who also emphasized on the need for diversity in our government.

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Netizens were largely appreciative of Mr Kok’s sentiments, feeling it to be true of the current ministerial lineup. Many were of the opinion that PAP’s candidates were inexperienced and therefore, not well-equipped to run the country.

Photo: FB screenshot, Kok Ming Cheong
Photo: FB screenshot, Kok Ming Cheong

Some were more aggressive about their opinions, calling for more action from the opposition and slamming the PAP for its lack of progressiveness.

Photo: FB screenshot, Kok Ming Cheong