SINGAPORE: Watch out for the new Audi installed with YouTube coming to Singapore roads as automakers merge eco-consciousness with cutting-edge digital experiences, transforming cars into green machines and high-tech entertainment hubs, The Edge Singapore reports.

New Audi with YouTube

Since July 2023, Audi has been rolling out YouTube integration in select car models, bringing live streams and digital content right into the driving experience.

Now, this upgrade is set to hit the roads of Singapore, providing Audi owners with a seamless blend of entertainment and electric mobility.

Markus Schuster, Managing Director of Audi Singapore, explains the vision, “Audi owners to enjoy a seamless digital entertainment experience.

They can view live streams, stay updated on current affairs, and enjoy other content while taking breaks or charging their cars,”

Audi Q8 e-tron now comes with VR technology

Beyond YouTube, the Audi Q8 e-tron takes it up a notch with advanced virtual reality (VR) technology.

Rear-seat passengers can soon don VR glasses, immersing themselves in games, films, and presentations that adapt to the real-time movements of the car, transforming mundane rides into a “multimodal experience.”

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Schuster said that Singapore cars will be able to enjoy this function soon.

Cars getting smarter with AI

In addition to AI ruling the digital landscape, it’s now making cars smarter. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking the driver’s seat in in-car systems, as witnessed at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

Sharad Somani, Partner and Head of KPMG ESG at KPMG in Singapore observes AI in cars emerged as a big theme in this year’s CES, with nearly all major automotive electronic original equipment manufacturers embracing AI into vehicle controls and user interactions.

Volkswagen, a front-runner in this digital automotive evolution, plans to integrate ChatGPT into its IDA voice assistant. This integration, set to debut in some vehicles this year, allows drivers to command basic functions like infotainment, navigation, and air conditioning verbally and even pose general knowledge questions in a more conversational manner.

Volkswagen promises future updates to enrich conversations and provide vehicle-specific information using intuitive language—all hands-free.

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AI isn’t just enhancing the driving experience; it’s also paving the way for autonomous driving. Schuster spills the beans on Audi’s concept car series – skysphere, grandsphere, urbansphere, and activesphere – designed with Level 4 autonomous driving in mind.

“Drivers can fully delegate responsibility to the vehicle and need not intervene, empowering designers to push the boundaries of the car’s interior and exterior design,” Schuster said.

Sharad Somani shares his optimism about driverless cars hitting the roads soon. Referring to KPMG’s 24th Annual Global Automotive Executive Survey, he highlights the anticipation of autonomous ride-hailing and delivery gaining traction in major cities.

The key, according to Somani, lies in “strategic partnerships, embracing innovative business models, and adopting a forward-looking approach, companies can position themselves for a future where autonomous cars and taxis become integral to the urban transportation landscape.” /TISG

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