A concerned resident, Aam May Anader, posted on the Facebook group Complaint Singapore about her dismay on common areas being used for personal reasons, like these parked bicycles.

Ms Anader stated that she feels sad about such things…
“I don’t usually post anything like this but I feel sad seeing this at blk 123B Rivervale Drive. The common area become an extension of the rented unit.”
In our correspondence with Ms Anader, she added that although she’s not the direct unit owner being affected, she wanted to speak up for her neighbours who are directly affected by this newly moved in tenant’s behaviour.
She expressed in her post that she hopes the town council would strictly implement the by-laws for the usage of common areas in her residence, “Hope TC will apply the community by-laws strictly about the proper usage of the common area or shared space which is not the extension of the rented/owned unit.”

In regard to common areas, the Sengkang by-laws state:
A person must not:
- With an object, a fixture or a thing, obstruct, or cause or permit the obstruction of, the lawful use of any common property.
- The Town Council may remove and detain any object, fixture, or thing obstructing the lawful use of any common property.
This situation may also fall under unlawful parking, which Sengkang Town Council states as:
“A person must not, without the prior written permission of the Town Council park a vehicle on any common property or in an open space that is not a parking place.”
One of the netizens, Zaralim Stella, said in the comment section that she believes it is the Town Council property manager and officers who are in charge of this. “There are even posters to tell people to call up to report such clutter”.
Ms Stella also stated that without penalties, stubborn and selfish tenants will get more daring, and it would be a disaster waiting to happen if this would be allowed to be the norm. /TISG