New maid ‘plays dead’ whenever she’s unhappy by lying down on the floor and refusing to get up

HONG KONG: A frustrated employer took to social media after her maid started playing dead and lying on the floor whenever she was unhappy.
In a post to Facebook, an employer in Hong Kong shared that the maid had only been working with the family for two weeks before she wanted to quit. The employer had spoken with the agency about the issue, but that only exacerbated the situation. The foreign domestic helper would lie on the floor whenever she was unhappy and refuse to get up when asked to do so.
Singapore Turf Club to hold final race on Oct 24; handover site to govt by 2027 for redevelopment

SINGAPORE — The curtain will draw on a 180-year horse racing tradition in Singapore when the Singapore Turf Club holds its last race, the 100th Grand Singapore Gold Cup, next year before they handover the 120 hectares of land in Kranji on which the racecourse sits back to the government in 2027 for redevelopment.
The announcement was made by Indranee Rajah, Second Minister for Finance and National Development, at a press conference held at the Ministry of Communications and Information on Monday, Jun 5.
‘If you’re lumping Workers’ Party with other opposition parties, it’s detrimental for WP’ — Netizens weigh in on united opposition

SINGAPORE: When a netizen recently asked fellow Reddit users to weigh in on whether “the opposition would stand a better chance if they are united as one,” many commenters appear to believe that it would be to the advantage of The Workers’ Party, the only opposition party to have won seats in the General Election of 2020, to continue to stand apart.
u/LawlessWrong posted on r/SingaporeRaw on Tuesday (June 6) that he was not just referring to the alliance formed by People’s Voice, Reform Party, People’s Power Party, and the Democratic Progressive Party under the leadership of Mr Kenneth Jeyaretnam and Mr Lim Tean, but also the more prominent parties headed by Mr Pritam Singh (WP), Mr Leong Mun Wai (Progress Singapore Party), and Dr Chee Soon Juan (Singapore Democratic Party) as well.
Woman cuts off her best friend after they went for the same interview, but only her BFF got the job

SINGAPORE: A woman practically ended the friendship after she and her best friend both went for the same job interview, but she did not get the job.
In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, her BFF (best friend forever) and the one who got the job shared that she was hurt and angry at her friend’s reaction. She wrote that the two of them were friends for over 10 years and her friend was the one who was smarter while she was the one who needed help in school.
Video of Singapore car chased by fake police car in Malaysia goes viral

SINGAPORE: A 26-second video clip of a speeding car being chased by another car with a flashing blue light on its roof has gone viral. The car giving chase was shown not to belong to the police but to some pranksters or potential robbers, one of whom was wearing a clown mask.
The video, shared on Facebook and Reddit on Monday (June 5), is said to have been shot by a Singaporean going with some friends to Genting Highlands at 5:40 am. It has been shared over 36,000 times.