A Lazada customer has shared his frustrations with the Alibaba-owned shopping platform on social media, after he was scammed and sent a mobile key ring when he ordered three foldable computer keyboards.

On Saturday (4 May), Facebook user Howard Toh revealed that he “bought 3 foldable keyboards on Lazada and when the package came, it contained nothing but a mobile phone ring.”

Noting that the package he was sent was not even big enough to fit one keyboard, Mr Toh revealed that the order had been marked as delivered on the Lazada platform. When Mr Toh highlighted the matter to Lazada’s customer service, Lazada curiously offered him a refund for only two of the three keyboards.

Mr Toh recounted: “I received an email and I got a refund for 2 out of 3 keyboards. I asked about the refund of the 3rd keyboard and was told that only 2 of the 3 items were wrong. I was furious and insisted that I received no keyboard but a frickin’ mobile phone ring.

“The agent then said I need to initiate a return on my order page on Lazada website. When I did, I was asked to return the package to Singpost or Ninjavan. WTF? I reported a fraudulent activity on Lazada and they expect me to return the package myself?”

The agent Mr Toh spoke to subsequently offered to escalate the matter internally and seek approval to arrange a pick-up. On Saturday, Mr Toh noted that the keyboard listings were still up on the Lazada website and that he was still not assured that he would get a refund for the third keyboard.

Asserting that “shopping on Lazada is no longer a safe experience after the acquisition by Alibaba,” Mr Toh wrote: “This is a serious matter and Lazada seems to not take this seriously. I have given them ample time to respond appropriately before I put up this post.”

Cautioning other netizens to be careful when shopping on Lazada, he added: “And you know what? Lazada recently told me that my spending on Lazada is higher than 99% of other shoppers in Singapore. I am not even expecting VIP treatment. Just refund my money, take action against the seller and maybe apologise to me for the inconvenience!”

Two days after he publicly shared his frustration with Lazada, Mr Toh updated that the company’s chief executive officer called him personally to resolve the issue.

Revealing that he has since received a full refund and that the fraudulent listings have been taken down from the website, Mr Toh updated: “Got a call from their CEO personally yesterday. and I have received a full refund The listings have been taken down as well.

“Their security team is currently investigating the motive behind these sellers because it does cost these fraudsters money to ship out fake items. Foul play / sabotage hasn’t been ruled out.”
