SINGAPORE: After a photo of a diner seemingly allowing a child under his watch to stand on a food court table was shared on social media, many online users responded by calling out such behaviour. While some said it was irresponsible on the adult’s part, others raised hygiene concerns, considering the child was wearing sandals.

“Later fall sue the food court?” This was the caption of a photo shared in an online forum on Tuesday evening (Jan 21). The picture showed a man on the phone while the child, seemingly under his watch, stood on the table’s edge. The photo caught the attention of many online users, who took to the post’s comments section to share their two cents on the matter.

One comment highlighted the two main concerns others raised: “1. No respect for public hygiene. 2. No care for his daughter’s safety.”

Some people were more concerned about the child’s sandals in the photo and raised hygiene concerns. “People put their food on the table to eat, and this child’s shoes are all over it,” said one, to which another added, “Then the cleaners use the same rag to wipe several tables.”

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A third said, “Let your kid play on the table and chair…but at least take off their shoes first.” Another quickly argued back, saying, “You assume the child’s feet are clean.”

A few took a moment to call out the man, saying, “Bad parenting.” Another shared, “I have also seen people let their children play at traffic light crossings while they talk on their mobile phones. It’s like they have very little situational awareness.”

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