An invitation to former PAP MP and a contender in the last presidential elections to the annual Chinese New Year party at the Istana this Sunday has been withdrawn.
Tan Cheng Bock said in his Facebook: “On 27 Dec 2013, I received an invitation from the People’s Association to the CNY Istana party. I told them I will go with my wife as usual.
“Then on 8 Jan 2014, I was informed by Minister Lim Swee Say, deputy chairman of the PA, that this was an error. He conveyed this to me by phone and email. “There was a change in policy…(new policy is)  to invite only those ex-advisers to grassroots organisations from the immediate past GE (2011). I did not fit into this category as I stood down in 2006.
“Since 1980, I had always been invited to attend the CNY garden party and I never failed to go. I get to meet grassroots leaders and old colleagues and we exchange warm New Year greetings.
“The warm reception usually given to me by grassroots and leaders at the function was overwhelming. At times, it was very touching. Last year, I had to be helped to get back into my car because the crowd kept me from moving forward.
“IÂ shall miss meeting all these friends there again this Sunday.”
Sad, really sad.
See also Jose Raymond, Vivian Balakrishnan's former press secretary joins Singapore People’s Party