A local man is seen attacking an Indian national in an MRT train for disturbing his rest. It is unclear when the incident happened, but the video captured that the incident happened in the East-West Line, as the train was going towards the Chinese garden Station in Jurong.
From the footage, it appears that the Indian national was earlier standing next to the local man who was seated, and was talking on the phone. The man accused the Indian national of disturbing his rest by speaking on the phone and smacked him with a rolled-up newspaper.
The Indian national can be heard asking how him speaking on his own phone would disturb the local man. The Indian national can be seen trying to video the incident, but the local man smacked it out of his hands before alighting at the Chinese Garden station.
The video is going viral on Whatsapp chat groups. Many have expressed outrage at the local man, calling him a ‘racist’. Several have also called on the authorities to arrest the man and assure commuters that such behaviours are unacceptable in our public transport.