Just what is the fuss all about cats not being allowed into Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats, where some 80% of our peoples’ live?

The least the (HDB) could do is angle at a far better explanation than that feline related nuisance such as fur shedding and defecation lies at what must be the illogically, bovine reason to ban cats! There is no known historical when the first cats came to Singapore.

Weren’t we in Singapore sometime in 1990s convulsed by Rottweiler dogs that caused such mayhem and threats to public safety that the widely circulating broadsheet, Straits Times even reported of them killing its owners and innocent strangers! Is a human life that very cheap to be sacrificed at the altar of a pet lover who cared little or nothing of reining his supposed charges?

Why didn’t the HDB and the relevant public authorities ban such dog pedigrees or even rein in its owners? Just why was the menace allowed to continue for sometime?

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To such hard, tough questions is there anything in the scheme of these works to suggest that dogs are preferrable than cats even as they have proven to kill, terrify children and cause the very kind of nuisance that cats have been unjustly been accused of by the HDB?

The jury is out and what it now seems therefore, is to an unjustifiable and unstated reason for the HDB to resort to a ban on felines even as they do not kill or maim as how Rottweiler or German shepherds could?

Perhaps the only thing about cats is that they defecate, something that even dogs do. As for defecating and urinating, cats actually have a habit of covering up their excrement as it masks their tracks in the wild and hides their unique scents from other would-be predators.

Yet despite the very innocuous nature of cats, they are banned.

What better way to be in the doghouse of accountability?