Facebook page Complaint Singapore member Prema Sugesh shared with the community on Thursday (May 26) that her mother was feeling unwell, so they booked a Grab to the hospital. “Throughout the journey, this guy was complaining to my mother how at this hour he’s only getting S$13.10 for this trip,” said Ms Sugesh.

Ms Sugesh’s mother was feeling nauseated and informed the driver of her condition, asking him if he could stop talking, but the driver allegedly wouldn’t stop complaining.”My mother could barely walk, and he stopped her outside NUH, saying that he can’t turn in to the A&E!” added the concerned daughter. “What if my mother fainted outside??”

Ms Sugesh expressed frustration at the Grab driver who allegedly refused to drop off her unwell mother at the National University Hospital (NUH) Accident and Emergency (A&E) department, on top of complaining about the seemingly low fare.

Ms Sugesh, who also works as a nurse at NUH, confirmed in a comment and an attached video that vehicles are allowed to stop outside the A&E to drop off passengers as this was different from the ambulance bay mentioned by some netizens.

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“I been there many times, can drop NUH A&E,” added Facebook user TJ Chan.

Others also noted that the S$13.10 fare from Boon Lay to NUH was “reasonable.”

“How much is he expecting? S$20? And for heaven’s sake, there’s an emergency on board; he is lucky that he is even getting paid,” said Facebook user Jovent Haxor.

Netizens advised the family to file a complaint to Grab directly, and hopefully, the matter would get addressed.

The Independent Singapore has reached out to Grab for a statement and will update the article accordingly. /TISG

GRAB driver molested two girls, age 7 & 10

ByHana O