Referring to a blog post which opposes gun control, secretary-general of a minor opposition party, Mr Goh Meng Seng, said that the Orlando shooting should not be looked at as an attack on the LGBT community, but “as stupid people doing stupid things which kills lots of people.”
Mr Goh of People’s Power Party said that he was not against the LGBT community and had even knowingly supported gay candidates in an election. But he chastised the LGBT community in Singapore for making an issue of the attack in a gay club just because the victims were mostly of the LGBT community.
In referring to the hundreds of people who gathered at Hong Lim Park in an act of solidarity with the victims of Orlando, Mr Goh asked where the LGBT community and its sympathisers were when incidents like the Tiananmen Square massacre and other tragedies which occurred after that happened.
In his post, Mr Goh cast further doubts on the attacks at the Pulse nightclub in Florida and said that the attack was something unimaginable to him.
Mr Goh’s fellow-party member and Chairman, Mr Syafarin Sarif had earlier suggested that the Orlando shooting was staged and is fake.