SINGAPORE: A fresh grad took to social media to ask whether it would be weird for someone to “stay as a junior even after having worked for 5-10 years.”

In a post on the NUSWhispers Facebook page, the fresh grad revealed that he is currently earning a salary of $5,000, which, according to him: “If i never get promoted again, I would probably still be able to live my life,” he wrote.

He also believes in “work-life balance,” so he’s not “really trying to actively climb” the corporate ladder. “If my performance is mediocre and I am still at a low rank many years down the line, will I regret it? heard many ppl say should chiong when young, dont want to regret next time…” he added.

Netizens’ advice for the fresh grad

After reading about the fresh grad’s dilemma, several netizens offered their two cents.

One netizen offered wise advice and said that, as “everything has its pros and cons”, the fresh grad needed to figure out the cons of not wanting to climb the ladder and ask himself if he was okay with them.

Another netizen suggested that if he were to follow this route, he ought to improve his skills in his spare time so that he could still find employment in the event of a layoff.

“Up to you, but you should at least upskill on your own time, so if you kenna retrench im your 40s you’ll still be able to find a job,” the netizen commented.

One netizen also offered a possible scenario, saying he might be working for a younger manager in the future.

“When u are older, your pay will be higher.. u will encounter mid life crisis..when your manager is younger than you.. when younger people are cheaper than you and replace you..,” the netizen said.

Why people are reluctant to climb the ladder

People may find it difficult to understand your refusal to climb the ladder, particularly in Asian culture, where greater incomes, more prestigious titles, and increased independence are highly valued.

Many sources contend that a person ought not to accept a promotion if they believe it is not right for them.

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Forbes stated in one article that ‘not all promotions are worth taking and can even hurt our careers in the long run’.

If higher positions don’t fit your lifestyle and you’re not willing to give up “work-life balance,” as in the case of the fresh grad above, no one should be shamed for staying in a position for five or even ten years.

Most people prefer to stay in their jobs because they see promotions and higher titles as a threat to how they live. They may be forced to move, travel, work long hours, and have less freedom. For them, rising to the ranks means that their lives will change drastically.

Rejecting a promotion because of your lifestyle can be unambitious or even embarrassing. However, there is a real possibility that your performance will suffer if you accept a promotion demanding you to give up your personal happiness.

The benefits of accepting a promotion

On the other hand, accepting a promotion offer may result in several benefits, such as:

Salary increase. Extra income can keep you happy as it frees you from financial burdens and improves your quality of life. In addition to an increase in salary, some jobs offer annual bonuses.

Self-confidence. There’s nothing more empowering than being offered a promotion. It’s a huge compliment. It shows your employers have faith in you and that you’re ready to take the next step.

Job security. The level of job security increases with the specialization of your position within an organization. This can help you feel less stressed and more confident to tackle a project.

More say. Having a higher position frequently gives you more chances to voice your opinions. Making your voice heard can increase your sense of worth and interest in the company.