SINGAPORE: Domestic helpers play a vital role in many households, but their work is often overlooked and underappreciated. To address this, one employer took to social media, urging others to show more appreciation for their helpers and ensure a fair work-life balance.

In a post on Reddit’s ‘Singapore Raw’ forum, the employer shared her thoughts, saying, “I appreciate my domestic helper because she takes good care of our domestic duties and allows everyone to be free of household duties, apart from personal responsibilities like making beds and fetching own drinks and food.”

She added, “Domestic helper is an employee and human, not a slave. Treat them well, and they will reciprocate.”

To illustrate this, the employer shared how she appreciated her helper on her time off. One weekend, it was raining, and rather than simply letting her helper make her way, the employer drove her to meet up with her friends.

“I needed to go out anyway, so it is considered along the way. Not a trouble,” she wrote.

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The employer also mentioned that her helper introduced her to her friends, and one of them even offered her a snack.

“It was nice to know who she meets regularly each week. Sunday is a time when foreign workers get to unwind and catch up with friends. Some have romantic partners, and this is understood. Everyone needs love,” she said.

“Don’t take them for granted. Appreciate them!”

In the comments section, several Singaporean Redditors applauded the employer’s kindness and respect toward her domestic helper. Many also echoed her sentiment that helpers should be treated as human beings, not servants or machines, to carry out chores.

One Redditor shared a heartfelt story, writing, “My auntie has been with my family for 34 years and counting. She’s like a second mother to me. She practically wasted her youth on us. She might not have any kids, but she raised 3.5 generations.

From my older sister, me, younger sister and now my nephew. I love her very much. And it pains me to know that her time with us will be up very soon. Don’t take them for granted. Appreciate them!”

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Another commented, “You are the kind of great boss we all wish we had in the office. Our helpers are fellow humans, too, who work as hard as we do to earn a living for their families. It saddens me when I read news reports of people mistreating their helpers.”

A third Redditor wrote, “Everyone has different experiences – ask yourselves, what would your lives be without your FDW?

Trust me, ours would’ve been a terrible struggle without our domestic helper of 15 years. We treated her fairly as part of the family, and she left for home for good when all her kids grew up and graduated from college.”

However, amidst the praise and touching stories, some Redditors pointed out a harsh reality: one post or positive example alone won’t be enough to change the ways of all employers.

One Redditor said, “You can’t convince all. Some people still wish to be kings and queens, as they did during medieval times in Europe or the imperial China period. You can do this right in the comfort of your own home.”

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Rest days for domestic helpers

Domestic helpers in Singapore are entitled to one rest day each week, as stipulated by the Ministry of Manpower (MoM). If they are required to work on their rest day, they should receive an additional day’s salary.

The duration of their rest day can vary; however, the Ministry recommends a minimum of 8 hours of uninterrupted rest to ensure helpers have a proper break.

Read also: “I will always love you” — SG woman flies to Philippines to reunite with her helper 16 years later to say, “Thank you for being my 2nd mum”

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