SINGAPORE: A restaurant customer recently called out another diner photographed with a shoeless foot propped up while eating. The online user took to the Complaint Singapore group on Tuesday evening (Nov 7) to call out the behaviour of a man who lacked social etiquette while at a restaurant.

“Some people think that restaurants are their own home,” wrote online user Mingli Lin. “(Taking) out shoes, (sitting) cross-legged with socks (and) wiggling (your) toes…it’s just not good dining etiquette in public. The customer also added that such actions show a lack of respect for other people dining in such places, saying, “Plus no consideration for other diners who seriously also want to enjoy their meals without looking at your feet wiggling there and smelling your socks or unworn shoes.”

“It’s terrible,” the online user added. “(I) wish restaurants would tell diners to please behave properly.”

The customer who wrote the complaint added that the behaviour captured in the photo attached to the post was that of an adult, not a child. “This is a grown man, not a young child,” the writer said. “(He) should know better how to behave in proper situations. This isn’t a tatami seating restaurant that requires shoes to be removed.”

See also  "You are on the bus, not at home" — Netizen reminds passenger who has his feet up on bus seat

This year alone, there have been numerous instances of people exhibiting similar behaviour in public spaces such as onboard public transport. Back in July, for instance, a passenger reported two other passengers on the same bus who decided to prop their bare feet up on the chairs in front of them. 

“Like they own the bus,” the online user said, adding, “I gave the old man a hint by pointing to the signage (and) he ignored (me).”

Back in April, another similar incident was reported, also aboard public transportation. An online user shared a photo of passengers who also decided to use the empty seats in front of them to prop their bare feet up. 

“This kind of seating plan should be discontinued,” the netizen wrote.