SINGAPORE: Singaporeans went on a trip down memory lane together after an online user shared a nostalgic photo from 1972 featuring Hock Lam Street and Central Fire Station on a forum.

Once a famous spot known for its street food, shops, and crowded lanes, Hock Lam Street was the topic of discussion in a Singapore forum after an online user shared a nostalgic photo of the street. Upon further research, The Independent Singapore found that the image was credited to the Facebook group “Nostalgic Singapore” as per a blog article by Remember Singapore posted back in 2015.

In the forum where the photo was shared, Singaporeans gathered in the post’s comments section to share their fondest memories of the iconic street.

“Chinatown used to look like this in the early 90s,” said one. “My mum would bring me there every CNY, and I loved it because it had character. Now, everything looks sterile. I guess this is why many Singaporeans like to go to Thailand/Malaysia because it has that old-school feel.”

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A few others mentioned the famous hock lam beef noodles that gained recognition in this area. Another wondered what it must have been like to be alive at such a time. “I am curious how those from the 1970s and before felt the rapid changes happening to Singapore infrastructure-wise was to them. It must have been disorientating- every decade; you have some mega-infrastructure being done, like the MRT, underground subways, high-rises, impeccable hygiene, and mega malls, with your kampung disappearing.”

Another pointed out, “Looks a lot more walkable and cooler weather.”

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