When it comes to the amount of clothing people choose to wear, we all have different comfort levels, don’t we? 

One Punggol woman was upset over another woman sun tanning and doing yoga while clad only in a bathing suit, appearing to find it somewhat scandalous.

The sun tanning woman was seen at a Punggol Central HDB block recently.

But others say they find nothing wrong with what she was doing.

A report in Shin Min Daily News says that on Tuesday (Aug 9), a Ms Zhang, a 48-year-old housewife, who looked through her window and saw a woman sunbathing in the sky garden between  Block 160a and 166a.

The woman, dressed in what looked to be a one-piece red swimsuit, lay on a mat she had brought. Aside from sun tanning and yoga, she also read there.

The housewife viewed the woman’s choice of attire rather negatively.

Ms Zhang told the Chinese-language daily that she felt the woman’s clothing—or lack of it—was inappropriate in the public setting she had chosen to sunbathe, as many people used the sky garden.

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“There are often children and elderly people who go for a walk in the garden, and there are also many elderly people who plant flowers and plants in the garden.

If you are caught in this kind of clothing, I am afraid it is not very good.”

However, to other residents, the woman sunbathing in her swimsuit was no big deal, Shin Min Daily News wrote, adding they claimed the swimsuit wasn’t as revealing as Ms Zhang had said.

Netizens commenting on an AsiaOne report about the incident tended to agree that it was much ado about nothing.

“There is no law saying that one cant sunbathe in sky garden,” one commenter pointed out.

“Can we chill?” asked another.

Others said that the auntie who complained needs to get rid of too old-fashioned thinking.

Another asked, “Why so prudish?”

Others pointed out that it was only the absence of a pool that made a difference in the situation.


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