
Netizens are not backing down from voicing out their concerns, reacting to news of the new Certificate of Entitlement (COE) price, which is now at S$81,802 for commercial vehicles as a result of the tender that took place on Wednesday (Nov 23).

“This is not right,” said one netizen. “We need to overhaul this COE system.”

Based on reports of the tender, the COE price for goods vehicles and buses bagged the highest increase at 7.2 per cent.

Jia laut for the local SME and Hawkers,” wrote another online user, “120K for a van or pickup truck…”

One shared a comment calling on the LTA to be transparent with the system of deciding the premiums. “Sick and tired of the premium on all categories especially the commercial vehicles and motorcycles,” the person said.

Another made mention of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong, saying, “Madness. Hope Mr Lawrence does something to stop inflation. It does not reduce peak hour jam–it only makes the citizens (look like) fools and pay 100k for a piece of paper. No other countries even in first world do this to the people.”

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Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times
Image: screengrab from Facebook comments / The Straits Times