Joanne Peh, the 39-year-old Singaporean actress, shared her experience at Tokyo DisneySea with her kids. In an Instagram post, the actress mentioned that the whole trip was filled with lots of selfies of all kinds – normal selfies, mirror selfies and super close-up selfies. 

Joanne also expressed that many things have changed in the resort. Everything is now done via the Tokyo Disney Resort mobile app. Things have changed so much, no more fast pass and everything is now done via the Tokyo Disney Resort app. We rode the popular Toy Story Mania at Disneysea and I decided to pay for the premiere access because the queue was 140 minutes!! With the premiere access, we barely waited 5 minutes.” the actress stated.


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She added that all the passes needed in the park – standby passes, entry requests and premiere access – can only be found in the mobile app that is to be used after entering the resort’s premises. Tickets are now scanned through the app as well.

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“…try to ballot for entry request to selected rides, shows and Duffy merchandise shops — we weren’t lucky for any of the above except 1 shop.” said Joanne. Overall, her entire trip was surrounded by long queues and waiting hours. 

“There was a queue for everything and traveling alone meant that we couldn’t split up to do different things. I didn’t get to buy my favourite curry popcorn or try the garlic shrimp popcorn, but had the meat sauce naan and chai-spiced churros which was popular with the kids” she admitted. 

She ended her post with a question she asked her followers: “What’s your favourite popcorn flavour?” 

Commenters on her post responded and expressed their sentiments as well: