Singapore – The online community continues to share its perspectives on the recent tribunal report which found Lee Suet Fern and Lee Hsien Yang guilty of improper professional conduct and deceit in handling Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s last will.

The two-person disciplinary tribunal appointed by Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon has found Mr Lee Hsien Yang and wife Lee Suet Fern guilty of misleading and deceiving founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew on the preparation and execution of his last will.

The report findings were published and made headlines on mainstream media on February 23, Sunday.

Concerned citizens from the online community have thus expressed their opinions on the matter, with many on opposing sides.

Comments on media reports show that many were not entirely satisfied with how the case was unravelling.

Photo: FB screengrab

There were those who focused on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s opinion, or the lack thereof, on the issue.

Photo: FB screengrab

“This is a very sad episode of Singapore history,” said a certain Adrian He. “That the dishonourable son would resort to such action to silence his critics and opponents, and worst of all defying the wishes of his father and disrespecting his will.”

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Photo: FB screengrab

Many were appalled that the “Government suggested the late LKY to not be of sound mind when he signed the will.” They also reiterated that Mr Lee Kuan Yew had been quite clear on wanting the house on 38 Oxley Road demolished.

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab

Mr Lee did get much support from netizens on the posts shared on his Facebook account.
A certain MichaelAngelo Ow said, “We the entire nation is with you and family. Do inform us when will be the open court hearing and we will be there to support.”

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab

It was followed by others who urged the proceeding hearings of the case to be open doors so that “all will know what’s happening.”

Photo: FB screengrab

Still, some believe the Government does not have “reason to be involved in this private family matters.”

Photo: FB screengrab
Photo: FB screengrab

Meanwhile, Jardine Tan commented the following on the last will saga, “Can make into movie sia…or maybe even short series…Netflix gogogo.”

Photo: FB screengrab