Joshua Su, 30s also known as The G3sha is releasing his new hip hop single “I’m OK” on Jul 5, 2019.

The song is about growing up gay in Singapore, facing uncertainty with lyrics like,

‘So I prayed to God and asked, what’s wrong with me? (lord)
I’m tainted, no long pure? (pure)
Stereotypes made me insecure (insecure)
Am I sick? Is this a disease? Can I be cured? (cured)’

Homophobia is still prevalent in Singapore and this song was created to empower the next generation and let them know that they are not alone.

“Most of my straight friends and my siblings have kids that are pre-schoolers, some already in primary school. I don’t wish for them to go through a similar experience of mine.”

“I suppressed my feelings and it caused a lot of problems in my life, I had depression and hated who I was for a good period of my life.”

“I want kids who are currently going through, what I went though back then, to be able to know that, being gay is perfectly fine!”

“Back then, we didn’t have any kind of support for kids that were learning /finding out about their sexuality, the books, religious communities and education system didn’t  provide any form of information or support! We didn’t have anyone to turn too!”

“Till this day , I don’t think the books, religious communities and the current education system provides any support for kids that are coming out or coming to terms with their sexuality!”

Forced to repress his feelings, Joshua eventually spiralled into depression which led to suicide attempts which were also recounted in the lyrics of the song.

He popped more than 20 pain killers and sleeping pills, fell asleep and the next thing he remembered was his mother sending him to the hospital.

See also  Gay Pride events go online to mark 50th anniversary

Joshua is thankful that his parents are so supportive of him and they did not question his actions.

He recovered after a few days and he was warded in the hospital for one night.

The hospital diagnosed his case as severe food poisoning.

Produced by Dudemakesbeats, “I’m OK” is an emotional and compelling record.

Dudemakesbeats is a Hong Kong producer and rapper and he is a good friend of Joshua’s.

The duo have collaborated together for a number of songs.

The song was recorded at Dudemakesbeats’ studio and mixed and mastered there.

“He advised me to chant the chorus instead of singing it! And that it would have a bigger impact towards the entire song!” said Joshua.

Joshua shared that the message of the song is that is okay to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or queer.

“Just be yourself, learn to accept yourself for who you are! Be you!” encouraged Joshua.

Jun 2019 was Pride month and NYC Pride March was held recently in New York City.

The march marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots in Greenwich Village.

In May 2019, Taiwan legalised gay marriage.

These events mark important milestones for the LGBTQ community.

“I’m OK” is not the first single released by Joshua AKA The G3sha.
His last single was released in April 2019 titled “Pei Pa Koa” and the music video garnered 5,000 views.

Swedish earphone brand, SUDIO was the official earphone sponsor for “Pei Pa Koa.”

Joshua also launched a series of videos where he interviews people from all walks of life about homosexual myths.

Video link:

“I’m OK ”