A group of men and women was seen flouting safe-distancing measures while on a yacht at Lazarus Island on Saturday (Dec 26).

In a Facebook post by one Bu Hui Yan, photos and videos of the group partying on their yacht were uploaded to social media. The photos and videos were then circulated on WhatsApp messenger as well.

Lazarus Island, also known as Pulau Sakijang Pelepah, is one of the Southern Islands in Singapore. The men and women presumably rented a yacht for Boxing Day as they could be heard dancing to Christmas tunes.

According to the Ministry of Health’s guidelines, (MOH) updated on Monday (Dec 28), “Social gatherings of up to any eight persons can take place, in premises that are open to the public. The eight persons do not need to be from the same household. If gathering at home, households may receive up to eight visitors at any one time. These eight visitors are not restricted to having to come from the same household either”.

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The group on the yacht comprised of more than five persons, with none of them wearing masks. There also seemed to be no social distancing between those on board.

During Phase 2 of Singapore’s Circuit Breaker – which ended a day after the yacht party on December 27 – there was a prohibition on social gatherings of more than five persons under the Covid-19 regulations.

Singapore’s circuit breaker began on April 7 and lasted until June 1. Phase one started on June 2, when some businesses were allowed to reopen with safety measures in place and graduating cohorts of students started to return to school. However, social gatherings of up to five per group were only permitted from phase two, which kicked in on June 19.

Earlier in June, six people were caught flouting Covid-19 safety measures at Robertson Quay. Their work passes were revoked and they are permanently banned from working in Singapore. /TISG