SINGAPORE: A woman took to social media asking at what point she should end her marriage.

“I am asking those who have been through divorce,” she wrote in an anonymous post. She added that she had been married for two years but did not have children. “I feel like I have acquired a new status – Mrs. but didn’t get much more from it except more responsibilities and blame”, she added.

The woman said that she and her husband decided to marry late and were in their late 30s. Her husband was the only male child in a traditional family. “We didn’t want kids but his parents have been pestering us for grandkids. I was also expected to do all the housework and help out during festival and celebrations. My MIL still have those traditional believes that woman married into the family to help out (cook and clean for the family) hence I will be expected to go over and help out whenever needed,” she wrote.

She added that her husband was a mummy’s boy who inherited all of the traditional mindsets and thinking, but none of the responsibilities behind those thoughts. “He is not the sole bread winner (I pay part of everything) but I am the sole home maker. He doesn’t do anything except wash his own plate after meals, sometimes he leaves his cups around and I have to wash them when I do housework during weekends. I told him if he doesn’t help out, I will want to get a helper but he say he won’t pay for the helper and hinted it’s my job to clean,” she said. The woman also wrote that her mother-in-law blamed her for working and not being able to make time to produce an heir.

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“Honestly, it’s like a got promoted to Mrs. On the surface but deep down its a demotion. Got more things to do and care about and doesn’t gain anything from it. My love and patience with my husband is really drying out… I am really contemplating a divorce. I kinda missed my singles day”, the woman wrote.

Netizens who commented on the post said she could get a divorce if she wanted, as separation would be simpler because she did not have any children.

Here’s what they wrote:

Earlier this year, a woman took to social media asking others for advice on whether she was too selfish for not wanting her boyfriend’s divorced sister to stay with them after they get married.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, the woman wrote that she and her boyfriend only got to know each other because his older sister introduced them. The woman wrote that she and her boyfriend dated for a few months and decided to be in a committed relationship. All of a sudden, “his sister said she would like to stay with us after our wedding with her 2 kids ( age 6 and 4). My bf asked for my permission if I am okay to stay with them. But I said no, it’s not that I don’t like them but I don’t want to stay with any in laws once I build my own family”.

Woman says her boyfriend’s divorced sister with 2 kids wants to stay with them, BF’s family demands money for his sister if she’s not allowed to stay with them