SINGAPORE: A frustrated woman took to social media to call out her “nightmare” date.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page, the woman wrote that she matched with the guy on an online dating app. She added that while he did not text her much, he wanted to have dinner. “I suppose he could be the type who prefers to talk in person so I agreed to meet. Besides, overall vibes was alright so I decided to give it a shot”, she wrote.

When they did meet, she added that he was late and did not even give her an explanation. “As we spoke to each other, I noticed his hair wasn’t real. I’m fine with that too as we were just talking. He spoke louder than normal so I tried to take it that he’s just nervous”, the woman wrote. She then said that when they had to wait over 20 minutes after ordering, the man started to get upset, spoke to the waitress rudely and demanded to see the manager.

“I’m not sure if he’s trying to show me that he’s a bad ass for being so considerate of my hunger or he’s just being mean because he can. By then I was starting to feel uncomfortable. It was dinner hour so I expected a little delay and I didn’t mind using the time to chit chat but he was insistent in showing that he’s unhappy even when I told him I’m ok to wait. He made such a huge fuss I feel so embarrassed the entire duration while we were in the restaurant”, she added.

At the end of the dinner, the woman said that despite the pair of them agreeing to go dutch, the man insisted on paying for dinner adding that she could treat him the next time. “After that night I rejected meeting him again. He went bat s**t angry on me and started to throw insults. I blocked him. What a nightmare. Why am I so sway?” she wrote.

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Netizens who commented on the post said that she dodged a bullet and that no matter what the man should not have been rude to the waitstaff. Here’s what they wrote:

Earlier this year, another woman who went on the worst first date of her life told us how and why she was counting down the minutes before she could go home. There were red flags from the start.

In an anonymous post on popular confessions page NUSWhispers, she wrote that the experience was so bad she felt compelled to share the story. In her post on Wednesday (Feb 23), she revealed said that they had connected on Tinder.  “Even before our food arrived, there were already a lot of things that were off about this guy.”

He bragged non-stop about his wealth, his car and his watch, and “even called me clueless for not knowing about certain car models??? Like hello do you think i could even understand half of what you were saying?”

Not only did he engage her in political debate on their first – and only – date, but he had no table manners and was very rude to the service staff.

“Very hao lian, keep comparing himself to Hollywood actors. Keep saying that he thinks he look like Ryan Gosling and had the cheek to ask me if [I] agree with him. Please la… not even close. Ryan Gosling’s eyes alone can beat your entire face,” she said.

At the end of the date, she wrote that she assumed they would split the bill, but the guy told her to pay for him. She added that when she politely declined and offered to split the bill, he hesitated before agreeing. /TISG

Worst dinner date of her life! — Man brags non-stop about his wealth to his date and then asks her to pay the bill