Jermaine had volunteered six years of her life to caring for the animals at Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) – until yesterday when she quit, accusing the animal welfare group of neglecting the animals in their care.
Exposing the lack of proper care for the animals she allegedly witnessed at the SPCA, Jermaine – a dedicated volunteer who was even featured in the Chinese daily – wrote on Facebook:
“I had given so much to spca in forms of monetary and time, hoping to help SPCA in the fight to improve animal welfare. I had guarded spca so fiercely against so-called keyboard warriors from flaming it. After all that I had seen recently I am utterly disgusted and disappointed.”
Jermaine wrote at length about the SPCA’s alleged treatment of a dog called Jaycee. Jaycee was apparently found abandoned in Hillview over a month ago.
When she was brought to the SPCA, she was labelled an aggressive dog but Jermaine found that Jaycee kept barking because she wanted to be let out since she did not want to dirty her kennel.
Jermaine claimed that the SPCA staff did not interact with the dog, before alleging that the group threatened to euthanise the dog if she did not make arrangements to take it in:
“Jaycee was found tied to railing/grilles outside a condo in hillview slightly over a month ago and brought into spca. I was there about 2 weeks later and was told by your staff she was aggressive. I saw her pounding on the kennel door and barking. To me it wasn’t aggression but an underlying issue.
“Over days I leashed her and let her out to pee. Omg she was peeing and pooping a few times, possibly because she didn’t want to dirty her kennel and she was barking to say she needed to get out to do her business.
“A month after she entered spca, I heard you were going to release her so I pleaded for her. You said she was aggressive and couldn’t be rehomed as even the staff couldn’t handle her. You agreed to give her another week and staff were told to interact with her.
“During the few times I was there in that week, I didn’t see any staff going near her. I was told the staff didn’t even want to go near as she was barking at them. I was also told by your staff that she will be PTS (put to sleep)! At the end of the week, I was told to remove Jaycee within 2 days, failing which SPCA will take actions ‘in the best interests of everyone including Jaycee’.”
Jermaine alleged that Miley, a cocker spaniel that suffered from a large (kidney) stone, was neglected, as well. Miley apparently urinated frequently and her urine contained a lot of blood. Jermaine alleged:
“Nothing was done till I highlighted and pushed for actions. A surgery costing $1700 was considered too costly and unaffordable.”
She also alleged that besides the dirt stains, urine and poop in the kennels, she also noticed a blind silky terrier who was suffered discomfort since the gunk in her eyes were not cleaned up.
Jermaine added:
“I have a long list but I tried to help as much believing there was genuine manpower issues. As these cases happened in the area out of bounds to public, nobody knew!
“I was stupid to think that every life really matters to spca. Your primary mission of promoting responsible pet ownership is such a joke when animals in there are neglected.
“SPCA, I QUIT! You do not deserve my time nor money. Whatever I had donated or done for you, I hope you use that for the animals!
“And for the dog you labeled aggressive and could not rehabilitate (whether due to reluctance or incompetence), I am glad I made the right choice for her and for me.”
Jermaine has adopted Jaycee.
The SPCA celebrated 70 years of animal welfare work here, this year. Dr Jaipal Singh Gill, the organisation’s executive director, told reporters then: “This year is important for us as we look back on how far animal welfare in Singapore has come, and what more the SPCA can do moving forward.”