Can you really earn $10,000 per month by working a mere 15 – 18 hours per week? Enough to buy a BMW in a few short weeks? Indeed that’s what a website claimed. The writer of the article in FOXTech said that he “read Mohamed Azhar’s blog last month”, but he did not provide any hyperlink to ‘Mohamad Azhar’s blog’.
The writer also claimed that in a phone interview ‘Mohd Azhar’ said: “I actually make about S$9,000-S$10,000 a month working from home. It’s enough to comfortably replace my old jobs’ income, especially considering I only work about 15-18 hours a week from home.”
Any ‘Mohd Azhar’ who can make such kind of money working such short hours and from home, would surely be quite easily identified in a simple Google search. But surprisingly the search for terms ‘mohamed+azhar+$10000+per+week+singapore’, reveals no such person who fits the description of the man in the article.
But we found another man who fits the picture of the person in the FOXTech article to a T. An Oct 2005 article where the man was featured in a Hottest Malaysian Male blog. The blog did not name the man.
Facebook user Harasha Bafana, was first to notice ‘Mohamed Azhar’. She said: “’get rich quick’ schemes will continue to exist so long as people don’t have a critical mind to analyse the claim. Next time you chance across these lures, it will be good to do some research. Here’s a good rule of thumb to follow: “If it’s Too Good to be True – it probably is.””