A StarHub subscriber asked for advice on how to go about paying his one-year contract despite never signing up for one.

The netizen said in a Facebook page Complaint Singapore post on Thursday (Nov 17) that he signed up for Sports+ about three weeks ago on the StarHub website. He chose a no-contract plan for S$34.99 and attached a screenshot of the purchase.

However, he received a confirmation email from StarHub noting he had subscribed to the 12-month contract plan.

Photo: FB screengrab

“I immediately emailed and called StarHub about the issue and sent them the screenshot from the website,” he said. StarHub customer service told him over the phone that the no-contract plan was S$44.99 while the one-year contract was S$34.99 monthly.

Photo: FB screengrab

“After three weeks of StarHub investigating, they told me today that I am on 12 months contract plan and that I have to pay early termination charges if I wish to terminate,” said the subscriber.

He asked why he should pay the charges when he clearly chose the S$34.99 no-contract plan. “They said they will escalate this to StarHub management and get back to me. I don’t understand why this is taking so much time? If StarHub really forces me to pay, what should I do?” he asked the online community.

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Facebook user, Will Goh advised not to waste time talking to operators and to go straight to the sales team. “I suspect it’s a cockup in SH system as your screenshot shows the monthly subscription price and also “on no contract plan.” Ask them why should you be paying for their mistake? Never give in, no matter what rubbish reason they give. Make them honour what was shown on your screen. They are also good at playing delaying tactics. Escalate the issue to CASE if there is no reply within one month. Most importantly, don’t make any payment to them until the issue is settled,” he added.

The Independent Singapore has also reached out to StarHub for a statement and will update the article accordingly. /TISG
