A Facebook post narrated how a young lady’s leg got caught in between the train and the platform at Buona Vista station at 8:45 this morning. The line train was moving towards Harbourfront.
The incident occurred as passengers rushed out of the train and a lady commuter was pushed leading to her falling and her right leg getting caught in the gap between the train and the platform.
A fellow commuter who was concerned with the lady’s plight, tried to calm her down and exerted much effort to help her lift her leg out of the gap. He was not trained in first aid but tried his best to help according to the post.
While the lady was in excruciating pain, other passengers on the train were just standing around taking photographs and videos of the lady in distress. Only after 3 shouts of “Press the emergency button!” did another passenger activate the train’s emergency stop button.
The said post garnered 101 comments and 224 shares (as of press time). Below are some of the comments:

The incident is a classic example of how mass transport systems must have its own set of first responders, trained first aiders, and sufficient quantity of first aid materials for emergency cases.
Such accident (sic) was also a typical illustration of how times have changed. If that accident took place thirty years ago when the ‘selfie’ phenomenon is still unknown, when cellphones were not yet the necessity that they have become today, that lady would have had help instantaneously. The other commuters would have come to the rescue immediately and leave the taking of pictures to journalists. Unfortunately, the accident happened at a time when everything, even a simple ice cream cone, is photographed for the purpose of showing it off to social media.