Speaking to reporters before a breaking of fast event organised by the Religious Rehabilitation Group and the Khadijah Mosque Management Board, Minister for Home Affairs and Law, Mr K Shanmugam acknowledged that the attacks in the gay nightclub in Orlandado, FL, is a targeted at the gay community. Mr Shanmugam is the first Cabinet Minister to acknowledge this.
Mr Shanmugam said: “It looks like the gay community has been targeted. This is unacceptable. Violence against any group in any form is not acceptable. Here, the government will act decisively if there is threat of violence against anyone or any group. The government’s duty is to protect everyone. Their race, their religion, their sexual orientation, that’s not relevant.”
Mr Shanmugam’s comments came after several Facebook users questioned the Minister in his own Facebook why the Government had not acknowledged the group that was targeted by the attacker is the gay community.
Ikram Zainy writing in the Minister’s Facebook said: “Sir, the motive is clear. He targeted LGBT people in an LGBT club during Pride month. The hatred was towards LGBT people. The same kind of hate is already being felt here with the bigoted reaction towards Pink Dot and same-sex kiss on Les Miserables. Thank god for strict gun laws in Singapore.”
Former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong has not only acknowledged but also condemned the shooting in Orlando which was targeted at the gay community. Writing in his facebook Mr Goh said: “I condemn the tragic shootings in Orlando purportedly targeted at the LGBT community. Here in Singapore, we cannot condone hate crime of any form against whatever community. We may have disagreements in faiths, views and perspectives but these should be resolved or accommodated by engagement, dialogue and debate and not through senseless violence.”

See also  Singapore's Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam Supports Campaign Against Prong Collar and Electric Dog Collars

Ikram Zainy thanked the Minister after he publicly acknowledged that the Orlando shooter specifcally targeted the gay community.
The Orlando gunman, who is identified as 29-year-old Omar Mateen, an American citizen whose parents are from Afghanistan, was killed in a shootout with armed officers at around 5am on Sunday (12 Jun) morning (US time).  Omar’s father said that his son got angry when he saw two men kissing in Miami a couple of months ago and thought that might be related to the shooting.