Move over, Netflix and chill. There’s more to do while staycationing in your favourite hotel than just snoozing and watching TV- series (though I will not deny the strong appeal of a good nap and a marathon-worthy series!). But just because you’re in relax mode doesn’t mean that you can’t also be productive. And no, I’m not talking about work. Remember that puzzle you’ve been wanting to do? Or what about that book that’s been on your nightstand for months? And it may have been a while since you picked up your paintbrush, but I’m sure you’ve still got the touch.

It’s so easy to turn to digital screens and zone out for minutes and even hours binge-watching or aimlessly scrolling through social media. Why don’t you try something different next time and shake up your staycation?

Whether it’s a solo, romantic or family getaway, we’ve put together some cool stay-in activities that will those creative juices flowing and make your staycation a memorable experience.


Create something beautiful

Photo: Artwork by Artwork Ruchika/YouTube screen grab

Doing art isn’t just for little kids or professional artists. We each long to express ourselves in beautiful and artistic ways, and there’s no better time to get creating than when you’re feeling relaxed and removed from the pressures of work, errands, and home tasks.

Bring out your pencils, paints or pens (select the artistic implements of your choice) and pack an art-creating box or kit for your next staycation. You can even frame and display your creations in your home or give them out as presents!

Photo: Adult colouring books/YouTube screen grab

Let your imagination run wild and draw or paint your art into life. If you don’t know what to make, adult colouring books have tons of themes and designs to fill out, from gorgeous mandala-inspired pieces to intricate forest scenes. Plus, it’ll feel nostalgic and take you back to your childhood.

Photo: Puzzle-making/YouTube screen grab

Puzzles aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I do enjoy the challenge of putting all those little pieces together to form a pretty picture. Puzzles of all sizes, designs and skill levels are available in bookstores and art stores, and they make cool art pieces for framing and hanging up later on.

Photo: Make jewellery/YouTube screen grab

Why don’t you try your hand at making jewellery? Most art stores sell beads and jewellery-making kits. If you’re really feeling creative, select a few pieces of your own that you no longer use and turn them into something new.


Play board games

Photo: Imhotep board game/YouTube screen grab

Staycationing with your partner, friends or family members and feel like having some good old-fashioned fun? Get everyone off his or her phones and play some board games!

Feeling bored at the idea? Don’t worry; you’re not limited to Monopoly or Scrabble. There are a plethora of board games available for every mood and group of people.

Get creative (and competitive!) with word games, design games, mystery games, strategy games and even drinking games (for those above the legal age). Play one-on-one or form teams! Select light and easy board games or go hardcore and play for hours. Indulge in laughter and good company; I guarantee that you all won’t be able to wait to staycation again!

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Imagine and write 

Photo: Journal-writing/YouTube screen grab

When was the last time you wrote something for yourself, with a pen or a pencil? Grocery lists and work tasks don’t count. Whether or not you feel like you have a talent for writing is not important; we all have something to say.

Writing can be therapeutic, a perfect release for all those pent-up emotions and stresses. The best part is that there are no rules. You can literally write whatever you want. If you need extra inspiration, stationery stores sell journals and notebooks in a dazzling array of colours and styles — plain paper, lined, intricate covers, leather-bound, gold leaf, you name it.

Try your hand at journal writing, making poetry or penning a short story. Perhaps you’ve been wanting to write your memoirs or been forever planning a plot for your “one day I’ll do it!” novel. Now’s the perfect time to start!


Catch up on some reading

Photo: Books/YouTube screen grab

Staycationing in a beautiful spot can be the perfect time to pick up that book that you’ve been wanting to read (but have been too busy to do so). There’s no excuse now — without work or errands in the way, you’ve got all the time on your hands to indulge in a good book.

Bring a selection of books from home or fill and pack your e-reader to make sure you’ve got some choices. If you’re stumped for ideas, check out these uber-cool bookstores in Singapore with selections that will cater to everyone’s unique reading needs.


Learn something new

Photo: Knitting tutorial/YouTube screen grab

Just because you’re on a staycation doesn’t mean you can’t pick up a new skill. Have you been meaning to practice your Spanish or finally learn how to apply eyeliner perfectly? Or perhaps you’ve been wanting to learn to knit or do calligraphy (substitute with the skill of your choice).

If you don’t know where to start or don’t have the literature to refer to, there are cool apps you can download for learning languages (try Duolingo; it’s my personal favourite!) and a myriad of YouTube videos and other online tutorials to learn pretty much anything under the sun.


Practice yoga or meditate

Photo: Yoga video/YouTube screen grab

if you’re on a solo staycation, take advantage of the solitude and calm atmosphere to practice yoga or try some meditation. Before you pooh-pooh the suggestion, remember that yoga doesn’t have to mean twisting your body into difficult-looking shapes (it can simply mean giving your body a much-needed stretch while learning breathing techniques) and you don’t have to meditate for hours.

There are a multitude of apps and online videos that you can follow for led yoga stretches and guided meditations of all kinds. Your mind and body deserve to relax, and there are other ways to do it besides just passing out on the hotel bed.

Enjoy your staycation, and remember, the possibilities of stay-in activities are endless! Don’t forget to order some room service and indulge in your favourite food while enjoying any of these cool activities. Happy staycationing! /TISG