SINGAPORE: A Singaporean worker recently shared on social media that she envied her Malaysian colleague who boldly quit her job without a backup plan.

In her post on r/SingaporeRaw, a Reddit forum, on Monday (Jan 6), she explained that her colleague had worked in Singapore for three years but ultimately decided to leave because the company started crumbling under massive restructuring.

“The culture had gotten more toxic, our base salary decreased, [and there’s a] lower chance of promotion and lower bonus payout,” she said.

She mentioned that her colleague had no other job lined up when she handed in her resignation letter but was not worried at all because she was confident that the money she saved during her time in Singapore would easily support her for the next two years in Malaysia.

In contrast, as a local, she felt trapped and uncertain about leaving her job without a clear plan for what to do next. “Malaysians working in Singapore really win!” she expressed.

“Is the grass really greener? Would you really want to settle down in Malaysia?”

In the discussion thread, many Singaporean Redditors expressed their disappointment, as they felt that the post overlooked the fact that foreign workers also had to make some sacrifices to work in Singapore.

One Redditor said, “There are many, many, many other countries that Singaporeans can take their money to and live off. It’s damn loser to always complain about these things, plus so many of the Malaysians I know work 1.5-2x as hard in good roles that they work years to get.”

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Another pointed out, “Your colleague working here has to pay rent too while working here, but you could be living with your parents.”

A third remarked, “Why complain? Do something about it. People come to Singapore and take a gamble on their own livelihood in JB for a better chance in life, yet you here complain, complain why not do the same? Make yourself competitive.”

Some also asked the worker to take a moment and ask herself if things are really better in other countries. One Redditor wrote, “Is the grass really greener? Would you really want to settle down in Malaysia?”

Another expressed, “At least we have a competent government. Pay is one thing, but I’m happy to call this place home. Are you?”

In related news, a foreigner living in Singapore took to social media to vent about how tough it is to save money in the city-state due to the high cost of living.

In a post on the r/askSingapore Reddit forum, he expressed, “[I’ve] been here for a long time and working hard but just can’t make it. The cost of living is over the top, and it’s difficult to save much and make plans.”

Read more: Foreigner working in Singapore says he can’t save money and make future plans despite working hard because “the cost of living is over the top”

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