SINGAPORE: On Tuesday (April 2), an unhappy customer took to a complaint group on social media to express his disappointment and disbelief at the price he had to pay for a plate of instant noodles and fried chicken topped with an egg and garnished with a small serving of vegetables.

“First of all $12.5 for a plate of Indomie and fried chicken is extremely overpriced,” the online user, Kenneth Chr wrote.

The customer did not mince words in his public rating of the food establishment, saying it was “a very expensive and unpleasant experience.” He also shared that the menu on display was “misleading.”

In one of the photos, the menu advertised a serving of Indomie goreng for S$6.50.

To the left were various topping options, such as the one the customer chose (A2): “Smashed fried chicken (Indomie ayam penyet +telor).” This particular topping was priced at S$6.

“Misleading picture and thought the indomie with chicken cost $6 (A2),” he wrote. “Overall, service is very slow, waited for at least 25 mins for this plate of food.”

He went on to say, “Only one packet of noodles for $6.5? (Very greedy business). $6 for the fried chicken.”

See also  Diner gets charged $5.70 for 1 meat, 1 veg and 1 egg steam but says there's hardly any meat

Singaporeans respond to the complaint 

Many Singaporeans responded to the post, sharing their two cents.

“Actually, it’s all on the menu, not like the main picture showed $6.50 with a piece of fried chicken on top of the mee,” said one. “Anyway, I find it expensive too. You can just take that you bought a lesson while filling your stomach.”

Some disagreed with the writer and said that the prices of the food items were clear. “Price is stated clearly,” said one. “If you find it expensive then skip it. Food stalls in the food court are pretty standard price.

You ordered and paid then you complain. Seriously?”

“You already saw the price, (still bought), then now complain,” said another. “Go try to cook by yourself at home la…” A third wrote, “What’s the problem here? They did state clearly on the board and it is nowhere misleading.”

One comment stood out, saying, “S$12 seems okay. In the UK, it would cost you 25 pounds.”

Read also:  “90¢ for a satay” — Customer says he would have skipped if it hadn’t been for CDC vouchers