SINGAPORE: A woman whose mum continuously comments on her size even to total strangers crowdsourced for help to find out how to get her to stop.

u/jiajia343 wrote on r/askSingapore that her mother randomly” tells her relatives like her aunt that she’s fat and overweight.

“She would also drag me into some fitness centers and asked the salesperson if the package/program can help me to lose weight.”

The post author added that she is only slightly overweight, but her mum keeps “exaggerating non-stop (e.g. like if want to find bf, need to at least slim down blah blah blah)” whenever she sees her at home.

The irony is, the mother is also on the plump side, but does not talk about her own body size in the same way she talks about her daughter.

Since jiajia343 put up her post on Sunday (May 14), many Reddit users have weighed in with advice.

“Exercise, be slimmer than mom. Then call her fat,” is one much-upvoted comment.

Another suggested she try a more blunt track.

Others chimed in with similar stories.

“Yea my parents once approached a group of teenage girls just to ask them why their daughter (aka me) was fatter than them. Mind you, I was at the awkward age of 12 /13 and those girls were complete strangers just doing their own thing before my parents decided to embarrass me completely. Little wonder I have such low self esteem,” wrote one.

“The sassy person in me would sign you both up for a class and you force her to go too so that she can also lose weight,” another suggested.

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One told her that many mothers do this.

“This is just mom tings. My mom used to do this. I didnt listen. I rather gain muscle by myself. I think one of the things i kept telling my mom off, every single time she did it. Plus i mean, overweight has its complications, but as long u are eating healthy food, i think it should be ok. Perhaps your situation, ur mom may be saying it for your benefit. Or if u want to make her stop without confronting, just make sassy replies.”


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