
UNITED KINGDOM — “Ratty”, a tiny rat, rescues cancer sufferer Caroline Davis, 61, from burning to death by moving her lit cigarette and waking her up.

When Caroline dozed off to sleep and left her lit cigarette unattended, rodent Ratty sprang into action after the cigarette set her dressing gown burning.

The mum-of-two presumed that Ratty must have picked up her cigarette and moved it because it was found several feet away. She also claims that Ratty woke her up by scratching at her as the dressing gown fumed.

The Sun reported that Caroline from Peterborough said: “If it hadn’t been for Ratty, we could have lost our home, or maybe even our lives. She saved us. I like to think that’s her way of paying me back for rescuing her in the first place.”

The family’s cat Paddy caught Ratty and brought her home 18 months ago.

Caroline said: “I didn’t think she would survive the night. I only fed and watered her to give her a comfortable end, but to my surprise, she just kept getting stronger and stronger. She repaid me in spades.”

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Human-loving animals

Stories of animals abound, but they are usually found in Walt Disney films. However, in real life, there are stories of animals even saving human lives. Here are three examples that can leave any animal hater to have second thoughts:

 Whale defends scientist from shark

One Green Planet wrote about an incident when scientist Nan Hauser was at first scared and confused as a humpback whale began pushing her into the water. Then she realized that the whale noticed something she didn’t – a large tiger shark swimming close. Upon seeing the shark, Nan understood that the whale was trying to protect her and guide her back to her boat. Nan, who has dedicated her life to protecting whales, doesn’t know exactly what goes through the minds of these whales, but she knows that they have this selfless desire to help animals and other species.

Lions rescue girl from kidnappers

The BBC reported that in June 2005, a 12-year-old Ethiopian girl on her way to school was abducted by a group of seven men who tried to force her into marrying one of them. They held her for over a week, beating and assaulting her. Three powerful lions reportedly chased the men away and stood guard over the girl until the authorities came for her.

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The lions knew enough about the violent assault to isolate the victim from the predators. The girl was rescued and taken home without being harmed by the wild beasts. According to Truth or Fiction, animal experts believe the lions may have only saved the girl because her crying may have sounded similar to the whimpering cries of a lion cub.

Sea-lion saves suicide jumper

According to KYVU, in 2006, 19-year-old Kevin Hines jumped off San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge. When he made the 1280-meter plunge, he survived the instant injuries but could not swim to the shore. Hines was rescued by a sea lion who acted as a buoy, holding him up until the authorities could come to his rescue.

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The post Rat rescues woman from burning to death appeared first on The Independent World News.