SINGAPORE: A video of a girl criticizing her date for suggesting they go to Lau Pa Sat for their first date recently emerged on social media, quickly going viral.

One Singaporean Redditor shared the girl’s video on the social media platform on Saturday (Jan 3): “I came across this video of a girl complaining about getting brought to Lau Pa Sat for a first date. She claims that eating at Lau Pa Sat is worse than going to a fast-food restaurant and demonstrates a lack of effort from the guy. From the video, it can also be interpreted that she views such men as toxic/cheap.”

He then asked, “What do you think about going to Lau Pa Sat for a first date? Is it genuinely not a good place for a first date?”

‘Don’t go on social media to complain about your date’s choice of venue’

In the post’s comments section, some Singaporeans voiced their disapproval of the girl’s behaviour, stating that she could have directly communicated her problem to her date instead of exposing and lambasting him to others.

One commented, “If she doesn’t like it, just make an alternative suggestion (e.g. McDonald’s) or cancel. She has a choice. Very simple. Don’t go on social media to complain about your date’s choice of venue. You are dissing him on the Internet which basically cancels any potential for a relationship. Might as well not go.”

While another one said, “If the girl is interested in or attracted to the guy, location doesn’t really matter.”

Meanwhile, other Redditors shared the girl’s sentiment, saying that Lau Pa Sat was not ideal for a first date as it was both “noisy” and “crowded.”

What’s wrong with Lau Pa Sat?

While some said that there was nothing wrong with Lau Pa Sat, others said that its busy and cacophonous setting made it a bad choice.

One Redditor said, “Nothing wrong with Lau Pa Sat. Wouldn’t be my first choice, but I mean, if you want a more casual experience, it’s fine.”

Women have different expectations and preferences when it comes to these kinds of things, the Redditor continued, adding that while some would not go for Lau Pa Sat, other women also do not particularly enjoy fine dining establishments because they think the man “is trying too hard.”

In a similar vein, another Redditor mentioned that LPS, as well as the old airport and Newton, were suitable locations for a date, but a “coffee shop that was nothing special and was conveniently near or downstairs from where the guy was living” is an unacceptable place for a first date.

“The guy obviously can’t be bothered to even hop on a bus for you,” he added.

Some Redditors praised the idea of going to LPS, and yet others disapproved of it.

See also  Viral video: Diners’ run-in with Lau Pa Sat safe-distancing officer on first day of tighter restrictions

One Redditor listed the things that could potentially ruin the date if they were to go on LPS, writing, “Meh. Lau La Sat is noisy. It’s crowded. Has touristy vibes to it, and the food is barely acceptable at best.”

Additionally, he mentioned that first dates were “basically a time to make first impressions” and to learn more about the other person, so it’s ideal to have them in a quiet, chilly setting.

Another Redditor supported this and said, “To anyone genuinely trying to date, please. If you’re dating for a serious relationship, first impressions are everything.

It’s hard to make a genuine connection when there’s noise everywhere, like in a hawker centre. I’m married, and I can’t even focus on conversations with my husband whenever I’m at LPS; imagine how awkward and bad that atmosphere is for a first date.”

So how do you pick a suitable location for a “first date”?

Think about what your date would want. It is a good idea to consider her interests if, as a guy, you get to choose the location for the date. Think back on all the previous conversations you’ve had with her. What is she like? What does she like?

Is she perhaps an introvert who likes reading and/or browsing art? Then, you can take her to a museum or explore bookstores. Or, if she’s an extrovert, likes to surround herself with different people, and is generally okay with noisy crowds, you can also pitch the idea of taking her to Lau Pa Sat.

The key here is to try to match the venue’s overall atmosphere to your date’s personality.

Pick an interesting location. Think of all the local places you’ve been to with a good atmosphere and many interesting things to see. For example, a cosy cafe with intriguing art on the walls, a restaurant with breathtaking views, or a pub with a cosy atmosphere. These things can give you ideas for conversation starters to break the ice.

Pick a place that’s not inconvenient for both of you. This means a place that’s reasonably “equidistant” for both parties. You don’t want you or your date to travel so far away from your respective homes.

Get her involved. If you’re still unsure of the venue, you can also ask your date and get her involved with the date planning. She can decide where to eat, and you could arrange an activity.

With the advent of social media, more and more people have become comfortable sharing their first date experiences online. In October 2023, a similar circumstance also emerged when a woman shared on TikTok that her “worst date” in Tokyo, Japan, was with a man from Singapore.

Read related: Woman says her first date with SG guy was ‘total waste of time’