Singapore – A video of a parking warden issuing a summons to an errant biker who stayed at a no-parking zone is circulating online, garnering appreciation from the online community as the officer handled the situation professionally.
On Tuesday (Feb 9), Facebook page uploaded a video of an incident contributed by a member of the public who asked if the biker was in the wrong. “Got this video from one of my contacts and would spare some thought with regards to the incident that just happened earlier today, Feb 9,” the caption reads.
“Is it an offence when you’re on your vehicle and the officer still insists on summoning you for such offence? ‘Parking within a demerit point, no parking zone’. Please advise,” the concerned individual asked.
In its post, quoted the Road Traffic Act on what constitutes the action of parking. “Park means to bring a motor vehicle to a stationary position and cause it to wait for any purpose other than that of immediately taking up or setting down persons, goods or luggage.”
“Even if you are there, it still constitutes an offence as it falls within the definition of ‘park,'” the post added.
The page added an infographic in the comments, explaining that a zig-zag yellow line indicates a no-parking zone at all times while a double zig-zag yellow line means no stopping at all times.
It should be noted that the biker was on a zig-zag yellow line, violating parking rules.

In the video, the biker could be heard saying, “Hello. You blind? Hey. You blind, what? You deaf, ah? Stupid, ah are you?”
All the while, the parking warden was preparing the ticket.
The warden then handed the ticket, holding each end of it, to the biker.

Members of the online community commended the warden for handling the situation patiently. “Impressive display of professionalism and composure,” noted Facebook user Lawrence Seow.
Others said the biker should be punished for bad behaviour. “LTA (Land Transport Authority) should add on an extra charge to this illegal parker for insulting a public servant by calling him blind and other demeaning words,” said Facebook user Johnny Walter./TISG
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