Singapore — A petition has been started, calling for the immediate resignation of Health Minister and member of the Multi-Ministry Taskforce against Covid-19, Ong Ye Kung.

The petition, started a week ago by one Heather F, addressed to Mr Ong himself.

“You have not implemented ANYTHING of value to tackle  Covid-19, however, all you did was just remove every good initiative that was currently in place. Although we have a highly vaccinated population, does not mean we can’t be careful as well! Mind you, the elderly and pregnant women can get very ill. Children cannot be vaccinated as well”, the petitioner wrote, explaining that as soon as Mr Ong took the post over from Mr Gan Kim Yong, Singapore’s Covid-19 situation drastically worsened.

The petitioner continued: “Recently, as cases surged, you have also decided to remove the report of the number of unlinked cases, which can actually act as a gauge of our current situation. You outrightly keep trying to hide information from the public, which previously, Singapore has been famed for being transparent and fast on its reporting and tracing”.

“Why are people living with someone who could have been exposed even allowed to go out in the first place? If one person is to stay at home shouldn’t everyone in the same household follow the same rules?”, the petitioner asked.

However, according to the Ministry of Health (MOH) on May 31, “With immediate effect, all household members of persons under quarantine are to self-isolate at home and minimise their social interactions until the person under quarantine receives a negative COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test result at (the person’s) entry into quarantine or if the person is no longer under quarantine.”

As cases rise, the petitioner called for Mr Ong to implement further measures to “help control the situation”.

Not referring to any specific measure, the petitioner added: “You are making things even worst by removing all previous current good initiatives that helped prevent the spread. Previously we were actually doing fine, not perfect- but we  could carefully and safely open up. However now, that won’t be possible or harder as you have single handedly caused a MAJOR CHAOS”.

Calling once more for the resignation of Mr Ong from the taskforce as well as from his position of health minister, the netizen said that Singaporeans want a “Health minister who is wise and actually has a heart, and is able to implement wise initiatives that will keep people in Singapore safe while allowing Singapore to carefully open up”.

At the time of writing, the petition had 1,864 signatures.

Netizens who commented on the matter agreed, yet said that the petition was likely to fall on deaf ears.

View the petition here: Ong Ye Kung To Resign From Minister To MOH & MMTF !