
We all know that interviews with candidates for Miss Universe or Miss Your Own Country, for example, can be hilarious at times.

But this one is a little above the bimbo pack. It is unclear whether it is part of the ‘woke’ culture in the United States, and whether those who oppose it will face the ‘cancel’ culture globally.

On the other hand, an organisation could attempt to spread the idea that women menstruate and that men should respect that. We just never know!

In this case, Miss Universe claims that “not all people who menstruate are women,” and on Tuesday, she shared “inclusive language” guidelines on her Twitter account, instructing the public to say “people” have periods, not “women.”

“Inclusive language is important, especially when discussing periods,” Miss Universe said on Twitter on Tuesday.

“Believing menstrual health is only a topic for women excludes transgender, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming people who have periods from the conversation,” Miss Universe added, along with the hashtag “Menstrual Equity.”

Perhaps the purpose of this campaign is to welcome biological males into the world of Miss Universe? Would biological males-turned-females soon compete in the Miss Universe pageant?

Cartoons are already becoming gay, and some countries have banned shows like Lightyear due to lesbian kisses.

There aren’t many movies or TV shows from the United States and Europe that don’t feature an LGBTQI+ character, whether they’re the bad guys or the good guys. They are simply there.

Biological men are also taking over the women’s world, amid tension between males and females who are calling themselves ‘Me’. No they don’t call themselves ‘Me’.

Kataluna Enriquez, a biological male who identifies as a woman, was crowned Miss Nevada USA last year and went on to become the first transgender Miss USA contestant.

In some areas, there is also a toilet war going on. Maybe someone should dispute the fact that the female period is called ‘menstruation’?

The post Not everyone who menstruates is a woman says Miss Universe appeared first on The Independent News.