pap mps

Netizens were quick to call out yet another People’s Action Party (PAP) Member of Parliament (MP) for shedding tears while giving a speech.

Jurong GRC MP Shawn Huang was speaking on strengthening Singapore’s science and technology capabilities. He gave a shout-out to individual members of his team, lauded them for their “remarkable performance”, which led to an increase in the hiring of cybersecurity analysts by 400%.

He also added, “When I heard the programme was a success, it truly touched my heart” and wiped a tear from his eye.

Photo: YouTube screengrab/Shawn Huang

As the video of Mr Huang tearing up made its way around social media, netizens were quick to call him out.

Over the years, Mr Huang is not the only MP to shed tears publicly. Some others who are infamous for their emotions include MP for Nee Soon GRC Louis Ng, then-Minister for Manpower Josephine Teo, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and then-National Development Minister Lawrence Wong.

Mr Ng appealed for extended parental leave for new parents in Parliament. In his speech, he emotionally recounted his experience caring for his premature twins who were born in February 2017 and choked up.

Photo: YouTube screengrab/Josephine Teo

In 2020, then-Minister for Manpower Josephine Teo turned emotional on Sep 1 in Parliament, as she spoke about job anxieties among Singaporeans.

Ms Teo cited the stories of three workers whom she had interacted with, who had either received help from various job-related schemes or shared their concerns with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

Tearing up, she said: “Please know that you too are always in our hearts. However long this storm lasts, MOM will walk the journey together with you. However tough it may be, we will help you bounce back.”

Photo: YouTube screengrab/PM Lee

In 2020, during the debate on the President’s Address, seemed to hold back tears as he concluded his speech: “Our children and our grandchildren will continue marching forward to build a fairer, ever more just, and equal society.”

Pausing several times while delivering this line, his voice wavered slightly as he choked up.

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Then-National Development Minister Lawrence Wong spoke about Singaporeans who came together to fight the Coronavirus, not only as frontline healthcare workers but also those going beyond the call of duty.

As he mentioned sectors that went into overdrive to help contain, if not conquer, the coronavirus, Mr Wong was overwhelmed with emotion.

The sectors include cleaning, security and airport management, he said.

“Hotels, F&B (food and beverage), transport and many more providing services to Singaporeans, all still going strong, keeping their spirits high, and there are many Singaporeans who have stepped up in their own way, looking after one another and caring for our fellow Singaporeans,” he added, choking back tears. /TISG

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