Singapore — In attempting to clarify Singapore’s Covid-19 regulations, a netizen has raised a number of queries “on behalf of the very confused nation”.
In a Facebook post to public group SG Opposition on Monday (Oct 18), a netizen who gives his name as Lawrence Teo asked questions such as: “Most vulnerable elderly do not frequent malls or supermarkets, nor cafe or restaurant, they prefer to go markets, coffeeshop, hawker centres. How would the new measures protect them effectively?”
Mr Teo also asked how the government ensures that vaccinated people who tested positive upon doing an ART test refrain from going out, especially to crowded places, since the test is self-administered.
“Many have knowingly been out and about even after testing positive. History has shown there are many defiant people who flouted covid rules. Aren’t these peoples threatening the health and safety of others?” he explained.
As those unvaccinated would not be able to enter malls from Oct 20, Mr Teo then asked how such people would continue to go for their “routine medical checkup/dental appointment/TCM treatment inside the malls, eg? Paragon, Takashimaya, neighbourhood malls?”
He also queried about retail staff working inside such malls who had not been vaccinated due to medical issues or other concerns.
Mr Teo also raised the following: “So it is said vaccines wear off after 6 months and therefore booster shots are recommended. Hence, what is the difference between a person fully vaccinated 6 months ago vs the unvaccinated/partially vaccinated?”
He called the new measures an “opening up in disguise back to what it seems like a 90% circuit breaker, further tightening and constricting our own market by sending our elites and wealthy out of our country spending outside our country, leaving the unaffordables to continue in this struggle”.
Within a day of its posting, Mr Teo’s post garnered almost 300 comments, most echoing similar sentiments and raising similar questions. Along with Mr Teo’s post in the group, others have also raised questions just like his.
As a side note, Mr Teo added: “If I stay in a one room flat and tested Covid positive with mild or no symptoms and the direction now is not to visit any hospital but to isolate and recover at home. Obviously, I don’t want to infect my beloved family members. Can I go to either of the MTF’s ministries to look for OYK GKY or LW and seek a solution? A squatter in your bungalow will do.”