SINGAPORE: An online user recently turned to Singaporeans, asking them what the Singaporean way of life means to them. Many responded, sharing their thoughts on the matter.

“What is the Singaporean way of life to you?” a netizen asked Singaporeans in an online forum on Wednesday (July 12). “My family’s poor but we had a simple happy life with good neighbours,” he added.

“I remember (my older siblings, cousins, and I) playing football with other youths at the void deck,” the post read. “During Hari Raya, we (would) invite neighbours and friends over and (go to) a Chinese festival where the neighbours and we (would) walk in the park with lanterns.”

The post went on to say, “(My) older siblings (have) started working and I’m taking A Levels but our neighbourhood mamak stall is still the best place to catch up with friends and deal with midnight prata cravings. (Stroking) the community cats in our neighbourhood is still the best stress relief and free therapy.”

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The online user then continued to talk about how current matters threaten such a lifestyle. “But the pandemic, inflation, and liberalism (are) slowly destroying our simple, happy way of life. I realise most Singaporeans on Reddit are middle class so I ask: what is the Singaporean way of life to you?”

Many responded to the question, sharing their sentiments. While a handful wrote about community, others referenced Singapore’s work culture.

“To me, the Singaporean way of life is about respecting differences and working together as a community,” said one. “We are all living on this small island together, so showing respect for each other’s culture and values helps to create a positive environment for everybody.”

Image: Ask Singapore Reddit comments / @alevel19magikarp
Image: Ask Singapore Reddit comments / @alevel19magikarp
Image: Ask Singapore Reddit comments / @alevel19magikarp
Image: Ask Singapore Reddit comments / @alevel19magikarp

“Play catching, hide and seek by running around HDB blocks,” wrote another. “Uncle selling snacks, air batu and pkt drinks. Running from one playground to another. Going to the wet market and greet the auntie at the veggie stall.”

A few others, however, questioned the netizen’s last statement about liberalism, not quite seeing the connection.

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“… Liberalism? How is that destroying your way of life?” one asked.

Another netizen addressed such questions, saying, “I saw many people questioned OP for saying liberalism. While it is true it is without context when spoken like this, I think essentially he meant globalization, capitalization and urbanization brought alongside liberalism.

As these are also called the liberal movement. When we talk about the problems of liberalism, it is not like we are saying being more ‘liberal’ is bad. But being more isolated and exploited under the name of being liberated has problems we might not have expected. Especially in terms of happiness.”

Image: Ask Singapore Reddit comments / @alevel19magikarp
Image: Ask Singapore Reddit comments / @alevel19magikarp
Image: Ask Singapore Reddit comments / @alevel19magikarp
Image: Ask Singapore Reddit comments / @alevel19magikarp
Image: Ask Singapore Reddit comments / @alevel19magikarp

Another answered the question by saying, “Work, eat, sleep, weekend go to shopping mall (to) enjoy airconditioning. Rinse and repeat.”