Woman in white stands motionless like a ghost in the middle of Martin Road

Did the ghost month come early this year? A woman in white was caught on camera standing very still in the middle of the road.
ROADS.sg and SG Road Vigilante Facebook pages shared a video of the sighting on Tuesday (July 26), noting it happened along Martin Road.
Letter to the Editor | SERS: Best for HDB to inform public via mainstream, alternative & social media so that flat owners are updated on housing policy changes
Dear Editor,
I refer to the commentary, “SERS an increasingly tricky balancing act between flat owners and Government”. (TODAY, July 14).
Some pertinent questions regarding SERS (Selective En-bloc Redevelopment Scheme) have been lingering in the minds of many households of Singaporeans:
OPINION | Importance of Local Flavours — From Hollywood & Nollywood to Bollywood, Kollywood, and Malayalam Cinema!

One of the most interesting things that Covid-19 has done for me, has been to turn me into something of a Netflix junkie. Thanks to limits on where you can hang out, life pretty much consists of work, exercise and trying to watch movies and various TV serials.
Thanks to Netflix, I discovered “Nollywood,” which has given me an interest in all things African. For example, I am suddenly fascinated by the way the rich and powerful live on Banana Island in Lagos, Nigeria than those in Beverly Hills. Following Nollywood movies has also made watching travel videos by vloggers like “Drew Binsky” more interesting.
Temasek invests heavily in food tech companies amid global shortages
Global investment company Temasek is being called the “best and most aggressive” agritech investor, with holdings ranging from an Israeli irrigation firm to an Indonesian fish food start-up.
A recent report says that the state-owned investor, worth over S$400 billion, “is helping avert a food crisis.”
Food delivery rider goes on MRT with e-scooter, netizens say leave him alone

A food delivery rider seen on a Personal Mobility Device (PMD) while on the MRT sparked concerns from netizens about whether it was allowed, or if he truly needed to take up the space meant for the disabled.
The video, uploaded to the Singapore Incidents Facebook page on Sunday (Jul 24) showed the man on a three-wheeled PMD with an insulated food delivery bag. In the 15-second clip, the man was filmed clad in socks and slippers as the train approached Canberra MRT station.