Singapore – A man was spotted spitting near a car and informing the owner that he did not need to wear a mask as he was vaccinated against Covid-19.

An argument ensued between two members of the public at 205 Sims Avenue on Saturday morning (Jul 17).

The car owner was inside his vehicle when he spotted a man spitting near his car twice.

After tapping his horn at the man to express displeasure at such actions, the man raised his middle finger at the driver’s pregnant wife.

He then went out of the car to confront the man.

The vehicle owner noted that the man did not wear his mask properly during their altercation.

In his defence, the man said he had got vaccinated, meaning he did not need to wear a mask.

“You can watch the news!” said the man, justifying his behaviour.

He eventually agreed with the vehicle owner, who asked if they should get the police involved.

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The man said he would be at the nearby bus stop while the vehicle owner called the police.

However, the man left the scene shortly afterwards, reported Stomp, which received the video footage.

According to the Ministry of Health (MOH), it is mandatory for all persons who are six years old and above to wear a mask when leaving their homes.

“Masks help to reduce the expulsion and transmission of droplets, which is the predominant route of transmission of Covid-19.”

“It is therefore important for you to wear a mask so that you will not spread the infection to others if you are infected. This is important even if you feel well because you may be infected but asymptomatic,” said MOH.

Even as people get vaccinated, members of the public are still required to wear masks to minimize the risk of transmission within the community.

First-time offenders who do not wear a mask will be issued composition offers of S$300, and repeat offenders will face higher fines or prosecution in court for egregious cases. /TISG

See also  Police look into case of man not wearing mask, making racist remarks

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ByHana O