Rumour Mongers

SINGAPORE — Cautioning others to be careful about who they trust at work, a man wrote that his coworker would make personal attacks behind his back but is very friendly to his face.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, he asked other netizens for advice: “How would you outwardly treat a co-worker whom you learnt has been making personal attacks and trash-talking you behind your back, but continues to act really friendly to your face?”

He explained that this particular coworker and a few others misled him into thinking something about another person was true, “and unfortunately I realised it wasn’t true only after everything was said and done, but by then it was already too late”.

“They have since been making use of this incident to make fun of me and put me in a spot in front of the rest of our co-workers whenever they get the chance to do so, always trying to paint me out to be someone that I’m not”, he wrote, asking how he should handle the situation.

Here’s what netizens who commented on the post said:

Speaking of colleagues, in September, a colleague unabashedly decided to hitch a ride and join another staff member on their way home without even offering to pay.

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In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, a netizen wrote that after he went to a seminar with some colleagues, one of them, A, asked how he would be going home since she stayed in the same area as well.

When he explained that he would be calling for a private-hire car home, she asked if she could “tompang”. (Tumpang/tompang is the malay word for hitching a ride, especially if it’s along their way).

The netizen was taken aback and wondered what A meant to say.

“Did she mean sharing the cost of the grab? But nevertheless I was caught off guard and said ok. During the ride, i kept thinking if she was going to say anything about sharing the cost. In the end, she did not but at least she didnt ask to be sent to her place”, he wrote.

“I reached home feeling kind of disgusted. Am I wrong to think that A was ‘buay paiseh’ (not shy), cos this is something that i will not do”, the netizen added, saying that he would not want to trouble others.

Shameless colleague asks if she can ‘tompang’ during another’s Grab ride home, she didn’t even offer to split cost