singapore leaked

SINGAPORE: A man took to social media complaining about Singapore’s slow delivery services.

In an anonymous post to popular confessions page SGWhispers, he said: “One of the reasons why I enjoy taobao shopping is their amazingly swift shipping and logistic services across the provinces. While it takes only 3 days to deliver goods from north to south provinces yet our local slow delivery needs much longer time. Is singapore really bigger, wider or longer than china?”

He added that most of us would have definitely fretted at least once over Singapore’s slow delivery. “Often, you have to wait from sunrise to sunset or late into the night ;your parcel status is stated as forever “out for delivery” but it never reach you”, he wrote.

He asked why Singapore’s delivery companies don’t learn from their Chinese counterparts. “There is even an updated gps map showing the exact location of your parcel in taobao. If the map is so unaffordable, at the very least, we can have the driver or delivery staff informing us the estimated time of the delivery. Now, we can only place ourselves at their mercy to deliver our beloved goodies. Has delivery turned a lottery, either you get it or not” he wrote.

Here’s what others who commented on his post said: